Classic B.L.T.

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

Mini Summary: Winston Smith, once a complacent cog in the wheel of a totalitarian society, explores his powers of personal choices and thoughts, then the subsequent consequences, in a world of complete governmental control.

George Orwell artfully and ruthlessly walks the reader down this path of terror where individuality is wrenched from each person and maintained with fear while presenting a veneer of supremely upright intentions and unquestionably satisfying results. “Big Brother” is omnipresent, somehow walking beside you, listening to your conversations, sensing your motivations, and pre-empting your thoughts. And “He” had the power and sadistic creativity to demolish any resistance to “His” sanctioned ways. In short, this whole whole book was like a horrifying nightmare.

Although George Orwell modeled his fictional totalitarian government after Stalinist Russia, I have seen some parallels between this extreme control and other true stories I’ve read of present-day governments. For what it’s worth, I am so glad I live in a place where I can think what I want without the companion of constant fear.

In line with an all-things-miserable government, the state-supplied food referenced in Nineteen Eighty-Four sounded absolutely repulsive.

“Winston and Syme pushed their trays beneath the grille. Onto each was dumped swiftly the regulation lunch- a metal pannikin of pinkish-gray stew, a hunk of bread, a cube of cheese, a mug of milkless Victory Coffee, and one saccharine tablet.”

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

Yum. Later Winston described the stew as looking like “vomit” and containing “spongy pinkish stuff” that he suspected was a kind of meat. After reading this I knew no recipe would be posted here that was described in this book.

Surely the actual 1984 had much better food to offer! So this is the beginning of a celebration of the nostalgic foods from the 1980s! Enter the Classic B.L.T. It’s simplicity may not warrant a recipe to experienced cooks and those familiar with this sandwich, but it demanded to kick off this neon spandex wearin’, big hair rockin’, moon-walkin’ party that was the 1980’s.

What foods do you remember from the 1980s? Any suggestions for foods to include? Let me know!!

Classic B.L.T.

Recipe by Katrina BlevinsCourse: Lunch, DinnerCuisine: North AmericanDifficulty: Beginner


Prep time




  • 1 lb cooked bacon

  • 2-3 beefsteak tomatoes, thickly sliced

  • 8 leaves romaine lettuce, washed, roughly ripped

  • 4-6 tablespoons mayonnaise

  • 8 slices sturdy sandwich bread, toasted if desired


  • Spread each toasted bread slice with mayonnaise.
  • Stack tomatoes, lettuce, and bacon on top of 4 slices of bread, dividing the ingredients evenly.
  • Top each stack with the remaining dressed bread.
  • Enjoy!


  • Some additions include: mustard, turkey, avocado slices, cheese, pickles, and/or cucumber.

What do you like on your B.L.T.’s?

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