About Me
Hello! I’m Katrina, the person behind Eating Between the Lines. I spend half of my time in the kitchen cooking and baking for my incredibly patient husband, four not-so-patient children, and anyone else I can rope in to breaking bread at our table. The youngest in a large family, my working mom experienced some severe meal prep burnout by the time I rolled around and, happily, I felt most comfortable cooking in the kitchen! (Or, if I’m totally honest, I was also quite content sitting clandestinely in front of the TV. Not to brag, but I was a natural-born lazy child.)
A skilled but disinterested cook, my mom taught me the magical transformation of whole foods into delicious meals. Once I had the basics under my belt, I frequently made dinner for whoever sat down, which was a constantly fluctuating target. Once in college, I couldn’t cope with cooking for one and would spend way more time than I should have in our kitchen, trying to feed the entire complex. It got expensive.
Nowadays my default is to sidle into the kitchen while my children quietly play together… (HA!). I’ve also been spotted chasing people down the street with an extra loaf of warm bread to share.
Besides the constant allure of the kitchen, I love books and am crazy about really good writing or a fabulously told story. I don’t claim any special talent in this arena, although I married into a family of beautiful writers and come from a family of voracious book consumers so my reading passion is roundly supported.
Reading has become a passion as an adult rather than a life-long exploration (see afore-mentioned laze), so I feel like I’m constantly playing catch-up. The marriage of these two parts of me has led to this blog!
My usual haunts apart from the couch and the kitchen include our neighborhood, where I enoy (or sometimes don’t enjoy) running, hiking in the nearby mountains, playing board games with the shorter set, or behind the wheel of a very chic minivan that may have suffered some dents and dings at my hand. Sorry, old van.

About the Site
For years the mention of food in a book or the food-feeling a book would illicit stuck in my brain and I would be in the kitchen trying to convey that food and feeling. Finding a good outlet for this habit led to the idea of recording my journeys online.
Eating Between the Lines is not meant to be a book review site, but a food blog inspired by books.
Some books have just one recipe attributed to them while others may have a few. I’ve pulled quotes from books at times which have inspired the recipe, but there are also books I just felt like the recipe was the right choice based on history, book content, geography, etc. I don’t claim expertise with recipe creation so there are times when I’ve adapted recipes I find online or in cookbooks. In order to properly represent countries, cultures, and cuisines I’m learning about from the books I read, I try to find recipes from authors who can represent their own culture through food. When I use other’s recipes, I will always reference and link back to the author/site.